A lorry travelled 84km between

  1. Two lorries A and B ferry goods between two towns which are 3120km apart .Lorry A travelled at 5km/h faster than lorry B and
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    2. siyad asked by siyad
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  2. The distance between towns M and N is 280km.A car travelled from M- N .The average speed of the lorry is 20km/hr less than that
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    2. Shamillah asked by Shamillah
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  3. the distance between town M and N is 280km a lorry and a car travelled from M to N .the car arrived 1hour 10minutes earlier than
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    2. harun asked by harun
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  4. A lorry is travelling at 60 km/hr when the brakes are applied. Assuming that the deceleration is uniformly at 2m/hr, how far has
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    2. Blessing asked by Blessing
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  5. A lorry travelled 84km between two towns, the first 60km of road was untarred and the average speed over this part was 30km/h.
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    2. views icon 31 views
  6. A lorry travelled 84km between two towns. The first 60km of road was untarred and the average speed over this part was 30km/h.
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    2. Paul asked by Paul
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  7. At 9.30 a.m., a car left town X for town Y at a speed of 60km/h for the whole journey. At 11 a.m., a lorry started from town Y
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    2. Sarah asked by Sarah
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  8. Towns a and b are 420km apart two lorries departed from a at the same time traveling towards b lorry x travelled at an average
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    2. Joy mbaa asked by Joy mbaa
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  9. Towns A and B are 420km apart. Two lorries departed from A at the same time travelling towards B. Lorry x travelled at an
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    2. views icon 471 views
  10. Two Lorries A and B ferry goods between two towns which are 3120 km apart. Lorry A traveled at km/h faster than lorry B and B
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    2. kudu asked by kudu
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