A figure skater stands on

  1. a figure skater must trace a figure eight on the ice that consists of two perfect circles, each with radius 11 feet. How far
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    2. unknown asked by unknown
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  2. A 2.00 kg blob of Gak, moving at 4.0 m/s, strikes a motionless figure skater in the back and sticks. The skater, with the Gak on
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    2. tj asked by tj
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  3. Two fi gure skaters are moving east together during aperformance. Skater 1 (78 kg) is behind skater 2 (56 kg) when skater 2
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    2. shan asked by shan
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  4. Two figure skaters are coasting in the same direction, with the leading skater moving at 4.7 m/s and the trailing skater moving
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    2. Haya asked by Haya
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  5. The Spinning Figure Skater. The outstretched hands and arms of a figure skater preparing for a spin can be considered a slender
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    2. Karla asked by Karla
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  6. an 80 kg skater and a 60 kg skater stand in the middle of an ice rink and push each other away. the 60 kg skater moves away at 2
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    2. Kerry asked by Kerry
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  7. A figure skater stands on one spot on the ice(assumed frictionless) and spins around with her arms extended. When she pulls in
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    2. rosa asked by rosa
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  8. Two skaters are in the exact center of a circular frozen pond. Skater 1 pushes skater 2 off with a force of 100 N for 1.4
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    2. James asked by James
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  9. A 55 kg ice skater is at rest on a flat skating rink. A 198 N horizontal forceis needed to set the skater in motion.However,
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    2. Melissa asked by Melissa
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  10. Micah and Will watched a skater skate at a steady speed around a oval rink.Micah said the skater had no acceleration.Will said
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    2. dadelissa asked by dadelissa
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