A Number N Divides Each

  1. Match the vocabulary to the proper definition.1. a number that divides evenly into a given number prime number 2. a whole number
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    2. views icon 19 views
  2. A cell, which has 8 chromosomes, divides into two.What is the number of one chromosome after it divides?
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    2. dumb asked by dumb
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  3. Let a,b,c be positive integers such that a divides b^2 , b divides c^2 and c divides a^2 . Prove that abc divides (a + b + c)^7
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    2. emani asked by emani
    3. views icon 463 views
  4. Let a,b,c be positive integers such that a divides b^2 , b divides c^2 and c divides a^2 . Prove that abc divides (a + b + c)^7
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    2. Meenakshi asked by Meenakshi
    3. views icon 1,002 views
  5. Let a,b,c be positive integers such that a divides b^2 , b divides c^2 and c divides a^2 . Prove that abc divides (a + b + c)7 .
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    2. Anamika asked by Anamika
    3. views icon 622 views
  6. Let a,b,c be positive integers such that a divides b^2 , b divides c^2 and c divides a^2 . Prove that abc divides (a + b + c)7 .
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    2. Anamika asked by Anamika
    3. views icon 707 views
  7. Let a,b,c be positive integers such that a divides b^2 , b divides c^2 and c divides a^2 . Prove that abc divides (a + b + c)^7
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    2. Meenakshi asked by Meenakshi
    3. views icon 484 views
  8. Def: An interger "m" divides an integer "n" if there is an integer "q" such that n=mq.?Suppose a, b, and c are integers such
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    2. Stephanie asked by Stephanie
    3. views icon 575 views
  9. Sketch the region R defined by 1 ≤ x ≤ 2 and 0 ≤ y ≤ 1/x3.a) Find (exactly) the number a such that the line x = a
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    2. Angel Santos asked by Angel Santos
    3. views icon 698 views
  10. What is the role of separation of powers in avoiding tyranny?a. it divides power between the U.S. and the British Monarchy b. it
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    2. WAKAWAKA asked by WAKAWAKA
    3. views icon 77 views