1. Circuito completo. 5. Mover

  1. 1. Circuito completo.5. Mover carga eléctrica de átomos con electrones extra a átomos a los que les faltan electrones. 7.
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    2. . asked by .
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  2. A mover pushes a couch a distance of 4 m to the top of a ramp into the back of a truck using 500 N of force.A) What is the work
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    2. jaslyen asked by jaslyen
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  3. A mover pushes a couch a distance of 4 m to the top of a ramp into the back of a truck using 500 N of force.A) What is the work
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    2. kiren asked by kiren
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  4. A 90 kg mover climbs a ladder to a height of 8 m in 32 s. Find the power ratingof the mover. I solved by using P= mgh/t and came
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    2. Mack asked by Mack
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  5. A 90 kg mover climbs a ladder to a height of 8 m in 32 s. Find the power rating of the mover. I solved by using P= mgh/t and
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    2. Jim asked by Jim
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  6. A 90 kg mover climbs a ladder to a height of 8 m in 32 s. Find the power rating of the mover. I solved by using P= mgh/t and
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    2. Mack asked by Mack
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  7. A mover pushes a 60 lb box 30 ft along a level floor at constant speed with a force directed 45 degrees below the horizontal. If
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    2. Emma asked by Emma
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  8. 4. A mover wants to push a box down a hall. The mover applies an ‘action’ force on the box (the push). According to
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    2. XOXOX asked by XOXOX
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  9. A 22.0-kg box rests on a frictionless ramp with a 14.1° slope. The mover pulls on a rope attached to the box to pull it up the
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    2. Anonymous asked by Anonymous
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  10. A 21.0-kg box rests on a frictionless ramp with a 15.1° slope. The mover pulls on a rope attached to the box to pull it up the
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    2. Margaret asked by Margaret
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