Your local bank made a mistake on your printed checks. Additionally, the bank charged you for the checks, even though the order was supposed to be complimentary for customers opening a new account. How would you draft a letter that follows your irritation to work for, rather than against you?

Although most of this site pertains to resumes and job-search writing, be sure to check out the section called General Business Writing Issues.

Here are several others that will help:

When you get your letter written, please re-post and someone will critique your work.


Your local bank made a mistake on your printed checks. Additionally, the bank charged you for the checks, even though the order was supposed to be complimentary for customers opening a new account. How would you draft a letter that follows your irritation to work for, rather than against you?

The key element in writing this letter or any other letter of complaint is to have the letter work for you rather "than against you".

The major three elements in such a letter are:

(1) politeness
(2) statement of the facts
(3) Present evidence
(4) Specifically request what you want

After stating the facts as presented above you might want to include some evidence that (a) the checks were printed incorrectly and (b) the checks are complimentary when opening an account.

Your conclusion might be that you want the charge for the checks reversed, a new corrected batch of checks to be sent to you and perhaps additional checks sent without charge.

I hope that this answer has been helpful.

Yes this is very helpful. Thank You.