First, realize that all of us make mistakes. Your letter should be polite and to the point. Explain the situation and the solution you want, i.e., corrected checks at no fee and the fee charged taken off your account.
Your local bank made a mistake on your printed checks. Additionally, the bank charged you with the checks, even though the order was supposed to be complimentary for customers opening a new account. How would you draft a letter that will allow your irritation to work for, rather than against, you?
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Initially a letter to the bank manager of that branch should do it, just stating the facts: 1) you understood the order was to be complimentary for customers opening a new account (do you have proof that you were doing just that?), 2. list the error plus the correct information.
You could either send copies to the Headquarters of the Bank (trying to find the executive's name so just anyone doesn't open it and throw it into "file 13" = wastepaperbasket.
If all that doesn't work there is always the better business bureau. It's not a good idea to "threaten" at first, especially if you wish to continue dealing with that bank! Try to be factual and firm.