You work for a tourist office in your city and have been asked to write a brief description in Spanish for visitors. in your description, include information such as:

1. the various kinds of lodging available
2. what each type of lodging offers its guests
3. what services your city offers for travelers
4. which sights the toursists might want to visit
5. some suggestions to the tourists on how best to enjoy the city

i need help to start writing this in english
these are the words i learned in spanish which i can use:
discuss environment:
el medio ambiente - environment
el océano
el rio

discuss travel arrangements:
el boleta (de ida y vuelta) - (round trip) ticket
la escala- stopover
el retraso-delay
con destino a - going to
procedente a - arriving from

discuss tourist accomodations and activities:
el pueblo- town
la pensión-inexpensive lodging
la naturaleza - nature
disfrutar de - to enjoy
incluir-to include
planea - to plan
regatear - to bargain
ir:ve; no vayas - Go!, don't Go!
el guia - guide
oficina de turismo - tourist office

can someone please help me get started in english, then i'll try to do it in spanish. thanks

3 answers

la casa de cambio - currency exchange
la oficina telefónica - telephone office
la artesanía - handcrafts
el mercado - market
el/la turista - tourists
la habitación: hotel room
la habitación individual : single room
la habitación doble - double room
this is what i came up with. please add or minus things as necessary. once someone corrects/approves this, i'll start writing in spanish:

1. Our city offers many luxury hotesls and also inexpensive lodgings.
2. With the luxury hotels, you can make reservations for double bedrooms. Also, the luxury hotels include security systems, a big screen T.V., and solar heating for the winter. The inexpensive lodgings do not cost as much as the luxury hotels, and include an individual bedroom.
3. Tourists can use many services offered by our city which include a tourist office, currency exchange, a telephone office, and a merket where they can by handcrafts.
4. tourists can enjoy exploring the woods and the river.
5. I reccomend that to enjoy the city, tourists should explore and visit many places.
1. hotels (spelling)
3. market (spelling)
5. recommend (spelling)
