You don't say how wide the side windows are. Nor the width of the opening in the wall. One or the other will be needed to figure the other base of the trapezoid.
If the entire wall is devoted to the bay window, then you need to say whether it is on the short side or the long side of the rectangle.
At any rate, once you figure out the other base (b) of the trapezoid, the carpeted area is
a = 24*30 + 1/2 (3+b)*2
You have a room in your home that has a bay window (looks like a trapezoid shape on the floor). You need to figure out the area of the room in order to get carpeting. The rectangular part has dimensions of 24ft by 30ft. If the window has a depth of 2ft. out from the room and with a center window that is 3ft. wide what is: area of the rectangular room
area of the window and total area
1 answer