You have a hot grill and an empty hamburger bun, but you have sworn off greasy hamburgers. Would a meatless hamburger do? The data for 12 brands of meatless hamburger were collected. Calories, fat, and sodium in these meatless hamburgers were used to predict taste score (between 0 and 100). What does the p-value for fat, 0.034, tell us?

Predictor Coef SE Coef t-value P-value
Constant 69.42 23.84 2.91 0.020
calories -0.5772 0.2727 -2.12 0.017
fat 8.359 3.263 2.56 0.034

a. If calories is already in the model, we should still add fat to the model since the p-value for fat is less than 0.05.

b. Since the p-value is less than 0.05, we don’t need to keep fat in the model

c. If calories is already in the model, we should still add fat to the model since the p-value for calories is less than 0.05.

d. If calories is not in the model, we have to include fat in the model.

1 answer

HI, I have a similar problem, did you solve this by any chance?