You forgot to check these other sentences. I really hope you can go through them, too!
1)Can you check the following sentences for me, please?
Can you please tell me a synonym for the words in parentheses?
Thank you.
1)Alonso is shipwrecked near an enchanted island with his son and the Duke of Milan.
2) The tempest was raised (synonym? caused, provoked)by Prospero, a magician who lives on the island with his daughter Miranda.
3) Prospero confesses (Miranda?) that he was the rightful (synonym, legal?) duke of Milan. Howeverm, as he was more interested in the study of magic than in the affairs of the state, his brother deposed him setting him adrift (synonym) on a small boat together with his three-year-old daughter Miranda.
4) They were stranded on an enchanted island, where the witch Sykorax had once taken (found?) refuge. The island was now inhabited by Sykorax's son (?), Caliban, a strange creature of brute intelligence and Ariel, the spirit of air. Ariel had been kept prisoner in the trunk of a tree by Sykorax and was eventually released (freed, liberated?) by Antony.
6)Alonso is desperate (?) because he thinks his son drowned or had drowned??
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