You are the supervisor for a large technology-based corporation. One of your subordinate managers, Carly, is heading up a project for a new system that is scheduled to market on the 1st of the year. It is August and things are not progressing at the pace you had hoped.

1 answer

Carly is the project manager and which is a position that needs a strong
Personality at first place, the project manager is responsible for the
Success of the project, this person is a Project Coordinator and team
Leader. The main key aspect for Carly is to be responsible for ensuring the
Success of the project. This does not mean that the project manager must
Do all this Work herself. There is the rest of the team that must help to
Achieve the Project’s goals onetime. However, if something does not go
Right, the project manager is accountable.

At first she must define the project and build the schedule, and having
This problem with one of the team members will certainly effect achieving
The project goals on the specified time that was scheduled for it, in my
Personal opinion i think that she didn’t discuss the problem that she is
Having because at first it’s a responsibility that she has to face and she
Doesn’t want to face it.
The way she was storming wasn’t the professional way, it was more like a
Personal issue for her and that can’t be a profitable act neither for her or
The Project.

Storming is a main key in the project manager and it doesn’t seem like she
Has any concern regarding that subject. Plus as team manager she should
Know that in order for the project to be successful there must be a one
Hundred percent cooperation between the members so she must’ve
Thought that it can be done regardless of that member opinion.

This is where the project manager's responsibilities start. If the project
Begins and she find out later that she is not clear on scope, then she is as
A project manager is the one who is accountable.

The work around defining the project means that she must understand and
Gain agreement on the overall objectives, scope, risk, approach, budget.
But all that can’t be done without a team work; she didn’t try to talk to
Morris about the problem simply because she thought her being the team
Manager gives her the right to take decisions and after all her taking this
Problem as a personal issue because she feels that she was being
Threatened by Morris blocked the conversations between them, that
Certainly is not a professional project manager work.

In the same time Morris feeling like he been treated unfairly gave him the
Idea that he was not accepted so it was hard for him to start negotiate the
Issue. Another main fact in this issue is him having a higher degree gave
Him a stronger position and more eager

The biggest problem that this team faced is the lack of experience in the
Interpersonal skills, it seems like they didn’t know how to react to each
Other opinion, instead of that the manager was unprofessional with her
Reactions and Morris acted the same way.

This problem can be solved if the manager had the ability to empower the
Members and if she had the enough experience to accomplish a
Professional work and business environment for all the members or at least
As a project manager all she had to do is assign separate duties for each
Member to do and avoid the issue instead of taking it in a personal manner.

The lack of self confidence played a big role from the manager’s side in this
Issue. A high degree of cooperation was needed by both sides in order for
The problem to be solved.

I don’t think carly should continue to be the project manager because its
Obvious that she doesn’t have the skills or the enough experience to
Manage the project, she has lack of confidence and she is unprofessional
In her ways of communication with the members, she took the issue in a
Personal way and that can’t be reasonable in a business environment.

She has a poor leadership and the way she communicate with others is
Unacceptable, she didn’t have the commitment to finish her job.

To get the project back on track I will need to estimate the time that I have
Left (the dead line) and create a work schedule for all the members to finish
Their duties ontime.I have to work around defining the project means that I
Have to understand and I have to gain an agreement with the members on
The overall objectives, scope, risk, approach, budget, etc. There is a list of
Steps that need to be taken to achieve the project goals:

1. Creat a clear understanding for the project goals and start a timely work
2. Make sure that every member of the team understands his/her duties
And understands their part of the work that needs to be done.
3. Creating a list of goals that can be achievable for each member.
4. Create a profional work environment for the team with a higher degree of
5. Giving more trust and opinion respect for each team member