Yeah. U heard me!
My questions always go unanswered.
That's mean.
U all are full of crap.
Make more of an effort, yeah?
12 answers
Personally, I don't think this is the way to handle this. I mean...Even if they miss questions every now and then, they're trying their best, and are not full of crap. Give Jiskha a break. They're trying to help you.
I've never had a problem with them.
Carol -- I don't see any questions that you've posted. However -- Eve -- your biology question wasn't answered because we don't have a biology expert available. I tried looking for classes of chordates, but found such conflicting information that I didn't understand, that I didn't respond to your question. Remember, we're all volunteers -- and I'm sorry, but we don't have a biology expert on board now.
What on earth is the matter with those biologists! Saturday night at 9:30 they are not at their computers :) Teachers are not supposed to have lives!
Back when I went to high school and college, if you had lots of physics and chemistry credits, you never, ever, had to take biology.
I majored in physics. ergo : I know less about biology than any contemporary high school freshman chosen at random. However I am ok on rate of change of momentum.
Back when I went to high school and college, if you had lots of physics and chemistry credits, you never, ever, had to take biology.
I majored in physics. ergo : I know less about biology than any contemporary high school freshman chosen at random. However I am ok on rate of change of momentum.
I know. How rude of them! The nerve, not just sitting around waiting for biology questions, huh?
I just wanted to say that I appreciate the volunteers that help us here on Jiskha. I for one would have gotten a few bad grades if volunteers had not helped me.Thanks.
Even I got my biology degree, I don't feel like I know most of the questions posted here. I just don't want to give a guess as an answer so I usually choose not to answer them. However, if I encountered questions that I know how to deal with, I will answer them for you. There are things that I did learned them, but it was years ago and some questions are asking specific stuffs that is best to regard that back into a textbook and your note when you are stuck, not going out there and ask random people for it and expect people will be able to know the answers 100% of the time.
Well said.
Same here. I majored in chemistry and took only freshman biology. That was 60 years ago. How much biology do I remember now? Almost none. Most of the biology I know now I know because of my illnesses. -:(.
put a sock in it, these guys are awesome.
I'm with eve!!