Here are three good sources for information.
Then, MAKE AN OUTLINE!!!! This will keep your thinking organized.
Use each of the middle paragraphs to discuss one of the pieces of literature
Your thesis statement is going to be either that man IS controlled by his naturally good nature and society's laws, or the opposite. This site will give you 5 paragraph persuasive essay format.
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We will look forward to seeing what you have written.
Writing Assignment:
Using the novel Dr. Jekyl and Mr. hyde, the poem The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner, and the video, the Picture Of Dorian Gray develop a three part essay, five paragraphs, discussing whether the evil side of man is controlled or not controlled by man's goodness and society's laws. Be sure to include examples, from at least two of the three sources listed.
Where can I find good sources and how exactly should I start this off.
1 answer