Writeacher, I'm glad you are with us again. I'm finding it difficult to check 2-4. I wonder if you could help me. Thank you
1) The teacher took two points off for each/every (any is a mistake) grammar mistake.
Edward got back at his brother for being rude to him (because he had been rude to him).
2) The 18th century novels represent the contemporary middle-class and its virtues and features; so the hero is always a self-made and self-reliant bourgeois man who gets into many adventures during which he can show his skills in order to make his own destiny.
3) The hero often acts like a European colonizer, too.
The novels are mostly narrated by a first person narrator who gives many details about place, for example city names, about time, and the hero himself such as (?) the novels was an autobiography.
4) This kind of novel is dedicated to the middle class and it is made in this particular way so that the readers can sympathize with the hero who is very similar to them.
1 answer
The second sentence is OK either way.
2. I'd change that semicolon to a comma. Everything else is fine ... even if it is a bit long!! If you want to try getting rid of wordiness, you should! Then post it, and I'll check it for you.
3. The novels are mostly told in first-person by a narrator who ...
The rest of that sentence is awkward and unparallel. Try this:
... details about place (such as names of cities), time, and the hero himself. (The rest is unneeded and wordy.)
4. Very wordy. Try this: This kind of novel is dedicated to the middle class so that readers sympathize with a hero who is very similar to them.