Write your paper about a hypothetical proposal that is before the elected school board for the public schools in your city. The proposal stirs deep controversy in the community. Opponents claim that it would violate the Constitution’s prohibition against an “establishment of religion.” The proposed mandatory regulation states:

Write your paper from the perspective of a community member listed below. In other words, for this assignment, you will assume a role. Imagine yourself as one of the following people:
The superintendent of the public schools in your community.
The chair-person of the local elected school board.
A little known candidate running for mayor, who is challenging the long-time, highly popular mayor.
The president of the citywide Public School Parents Association.
The pastor of a local mega-church who believes in the literal interpretation of the Bible, including every aspect of the creation story.
A high school science teacher who is the elected president of the citywide teachers’ union.

Write your paper as if it will be read by a public audience who are likely to be interested in your views given your role in the community. With this in mind, write clearly and persuasively for that audience. You are not required to take a position that your audience agrees with; but you should write with the purpose of informing and persuading that audience. If you know someone who plays a role like this in your community, it might be interesting to discuss this assignment with that person. Must be 800 words and APA formated.

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