This would depend upon whether you are using usted/ustedes = son OR vosotros = sois.
Many textbooks do not even teach the vosotros/vosotras (familiar plural) form. Without knowing which textbook you have, or what your class is learning, I can not guess which is best for you1
Write the correct form of ser.
Tu y tus padres________________de Puerto Rico?
Which is the correct form?
'son' or 'sois'
and why?
Muchas Gracias
3 answers
To add to Sra's answer, much of this depends on where the language is spoken. There are not many areas that use the Vosotros form.
The way I learned in high school is to use the vosotros form there. This is because the "tu" is informal. When I got to college, my professors wanted me to use more the Ustedes form to designate any plural "you." They didn't mind that I used vosotros, but you could tell they preferred the Uds.
The way I learned in high school is to use the vosotros form there. This is because the "tu" is informal. When I got to college, my professors wanted me to use more the Ustedes form to designate any plural "you." They didn't mind that I used vosotros, but you could tell they preferred the Uds.
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