Write several sentences describing a recent interaction with a friend or family member about personal finance or credit cards. This interaction may be imagined or real. Use at least five different pronouns, adverbs, and adjectives in your sentences. Identify all pronouns used by italicizing them. Bold each adverb. Underline each adjective. Compare the event to one or more similar events. When comparing, use at least three comparatives and three superlatives.

I think I have done this correctly, just need a little feedback. Thanks in advance.

My cousin decided that in order to establish a respectable(adj) credit score, she(p) would need to obtain some sort of credit. Because she(p) does not have any credit at all, she(p) considers herself to be lacking(adj) in this area. Understanding that having no credit is worse(comp) than having bad(adj) credit, she(p) applied for a credit account with Conns. I(p) explained to her(p) that having more than one source of credit is the quicker(adv,comp) and more reasonable(comp) way to achieve her goal. I(p) described my experience with building and establishing credit to her(p) and stressed that paying on time, paying more than the minimum(adj) balance and being mindful of her(p) budget are the most beneficial ways to get a good(adj) credit score. I(p) also told her(p) the worst(sup) thing she(p) could possibly do is to accept more credit than she(p)can afford, and/or knowingly(adv) make imprudent purchases. After a while, she(p)finally reached her goal of having a 650 credit score. When she(p) checked her credit score, she(p) said it was the best(sup) feeling she(p) ever had.

3 answers

Looks good.

Thank you, sometimes I second guess myself and make it harder than what it really is. Thank God for this site!!!
You've found a lot of the pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs -- but not all of them.

Consider the first two sentences.

My cousin decided that in order to establish a respectable(adj) credit score, she(p) would need to obtain some sort of credit. Because she(p) does not have any credit at all, she(p) considers herself to be lacking(adj) in this area.