1^3 = 1 !
WHAT IS 2^3 ?
Write down the first 5 terms of the n3 (Cubed) sequence
3 answers
no idea. I have no idea what ^ means. :P...
P.S: Whose shouting?
P.S: Whose shouting?
Let's see. You asked for n3 (cubed)
drwls responded with 1^3 = 1
Now, a bit of thought ought to reveal that ^3 means cubed ...
so, what's 2 cubed?
and so on ...
and that would be Who's shouting?
Whose shouting? YOURS!
Who's shouting? YOU! (or maybe YOUSE!)
drwls responded with 1^3 = 1
Now, a bit of thought ought to reveal that ^3 means cubed ...
so, what's 2 cubed?
and so on ...
and that would be Who's shouting?
Whose shouting? YOURS!
Who's shouting? YOU! (or maybe YOUSE!)