Write an equation for:

One taxi company charges $1.50 for the first 2 miles of any trip,and then $1.20 for each mile after that. How is the taxi fare related to the distance of a trip?

2 answers

Call the number of miles x.

Every trip costs at least 1.50, so we can call that a constant that we add to every trip. It is also the only fare if the trip is two miles or less/

In addition to that, every trip over two miles costs an extra 1.20 * x, except for the first two miles, so that's

1.20 * (x - 2)

plus the flat fare for the first two miles.

There will be two rules for the fare, one for two miles or less, and one for more than two miles.

I hope you can finish from there!
Thank you very much. :)