Write a sentence that matches the form provided in the description

(Sentence with compound subject and action verb.) My Sentence is :
The lizard and the cat jumped on the mouse. Now i need a second sentence to match my first sentence

(Sentence with a proper noun and a linking verb) My Sentence is : Wilson seems tired. Now i need a second sentence to match my first sentence.

(Sentence with simple subject and action verb with a helping verb.) My sentence is:
The children have eaten the strawberries.Now i need a second sentence to match my first sentence.

(Sentence with a simple subject and a feeling/sensing verb) My sentence is:
The student felt lost. Now i need a second sentence to match my first sentence.

(Sentence with a compound subject and a linking verb) My sentence is:
Boys and bears are bad. Now i need a second sentence to match my first sentence.

1 answer

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