Check these sites, then work on the other sentences. This assignment is designed as fuel for your brain cells, not ours.
'Write a sentence describing the sounds made by each of the following things. Try to use onomatopoeia and alliteration to echo the sounds you hear'
1. a rainy, windy night
2. a cat eating dry pet food
3. a dumming practicing
4. a city street
5. a person eating soup
I think the only one I can do is the second one..please help
2 answers
What what kind of sound does the wind make.
What kind of sound does the cat make when eating...
Think in terms of words that sound like sounds: example-if you are eating peanut brittle... there is a crack and a crunch....When you say those words, they sound like the sound of the peanut brittle. That is both onomatopoeia and alliteration.
What kind of sound does the cat make when eating...
Think in terms of words that sound like sounds: example-if you are eating peanut brittle... there is a crack and a crunch....When you say those words, they sound like the sound of the peanut brittle. That is both onomatopoeia and alliteration.