Week 4: Iteration and Repetition - Exercises Help
1. (TCO 5) The following is what type of loop?
Declare Integer n = 1
Declare Integer s = 0
Declare Integer number
Declare String keepGoing = "y"
While keepGoing == "y"
Display "Enter an integer."
Input number
Set s = s + number
Set n = n + 1
Display "Keep going? (Enter y or yes or n for no.)"
Input keepGoing
End While
(Points: 1)
count controlled pre-test
count controlled post-test
condition controlled pre-test
condition controlled post-test
2. (TCO 5) Which variable is the accumulator for the following loop?
Declare Integer n = 1
Declare Integer s = 0
Declare Integer number
Declare String keepGoing = "y"
While keepGoing == "y"
Display "Enter an integer."
Input number
Set s = s + number
Set n = n + 1
Display "Keep going? (Enter y or yes or n for no.)"
Input keepGoing
End While
(Points: 1)
3. (TCO 5) Which variable is the counter for the following loop?
Declare Integer n = 1
Declare Integer s = 0
Declare Integer number
Declare String keepGoing = "y"
While keepGoing == "y"
Display "Enter an integer."
Input number
Set s = s + number
Set n = n + 1
Display "Keep going? (Enter y for yes or n for no.)"
Input keepGoing
End While
(Points: 1)
4. (TCO 5) To which variable is the sentinel value assigned in the following loop?
Declare Integer n = 1
Declare Integer s = 0
Declare Integer number
Declare String keepGoing = "y"
While keepGoing == "y"
Display "Enter an integer."
Input number
Set s = s + number
Set n = n + 1
Display "Keep going? (Enter y for yes or n for no.)"
Input keepGoing
End While
(Points: 1)
5. (TCO 5) If the user enters 3, y, 6, y, 7 and n when prompted, what will be displayed by the pseudocode program?
Declare Integer n = 0
Declare Integer s = 0
Declare Integer number
Declare String keepGoing = "y"
While keepGoing == "y"
Display "Enter an integer."
Input number
Set s = s + number
Set n = n + 1
Display "Keep going? (Enter y for yes or n for no.)"
Input keepGoing
End While
Display n, " ", s
(Points: 1)
7 7
3 16
4 16
7 16
6. (TCO 5) Assume the user enters 3 when prompted to enter the number of values. What value will be displayed by the pseudocode program?
Declare Integer counter = 1
Declare Integer maxValue
Declare Integer s = 0
Display "Enter the number of values"
input maxValue
While counter <= maxValue
Set s = s + 2
End While
Display s
(Points: 1)
No value will be displayed, it is an infinite loop
7. (TCO 5) What value will be displayed by the following pseudocode program?
Declare Integer counter
Declare Integer accumulator = 0
For counter = 1 to 3
Set accumulator = accumulator + counter
End For
Display accumulator
(Points: 1)
8. (TCO 5) Which type of loop will always execute at least once? (Points: 1)
Any pretest loop
9. (TCO 5) Which of the following is not found in a For loop? (Points: 1)
loop body
10. (TCO 5) One of the following four types of loops can be used for any repetition structure needed in a program. (Points: 1)
For loop
While loop
Do-While loop
Do-Until loop
write a program that prompts the user to input three numbers. The program should then output the numbers in nondescending order.
1 answer