Write a paragraph of at least 200 words identifying three challenges that might arise when writing a paper.

Write a second paragraph of at least 200 words explaining the strategies you will use to overcome those challenges.

When writing a paper there are many challenges that may and probably will arise for the author. One challenge the author may face is choosing a topic. Choosing the right topic for a paper is a difficult task. The author has to ensure that they are able to come up with enough information for the topic to write an efficient paper. If the author chooses a topic only to latter find out they do not have enough information for an efficient paper they have wasted valuable time for their paper. Another challenge most writer are faced with is having rhythm in their paper. Rhythm is when the author uses sentence variety as well as adjectives to ensure their paper flows easily and catches the reader’s attention. To ensure rhythm the author should also make sure they are not repeating the same words or ideas repeatedly. This will become very confusing for a reader, thus, making them not want to read any farther. The biggest challenge most writers face is writing an efficient introduction. Introductions are supposed to capture the reader’s attention and make them want to read your writing. This is hard for most writers because they put too much pressure on the introduction rather than letting it flow easily. Although there are many challenges a writer will face when writing a paper as long as they take their time they should be able to write something spectacular.

Writers face many challenges when trying to write an efficient paper. However, there are different strategies that a writer can use to ensure they are writing an efficient paper. One challenge author’s face is choosing a topic with enough information for a solid paper. One strategy the author may use is researching multiple topics for their paper until they are sure they have plenty of information and it is something that will catch a reader’s attention. Some writers are unable to naturally add rhythm to their paper therefore; they have to take extra steps to ensure easy flow of the paper. The main thing a writer should complete to guarantee their paper has rhythm is proofreading. A writer should also have other individuals read through their paper. When reading the paper they should look at sentence length to make sure that all the sentences are not the same length or close to it. If this is the case, the writer should shorten or make some sentences longer. The proofreader should also look for the use of adjectives and repetitiveness. Most writers are faced with the challenge of writing an introduction because they want to make a good first impression to the reader. The one strategy that most writers should use is to write the entire paper before trying to write an introduction. By waiting to write the introduction the writer can include parts from the paper for their introduction to catch the reader’s attention right off the bat. If the writer proofreads their writing, their paper should be very efficient.

1 answer

The author = he/she not they (plural) (at least five)

most writer = writers (now it is plural)

writer (singular) does not = they (plural) (more than four?)

author (singular) = he/she

Another pitfall is grammar.
