Write a brief essay discussing the use of imagery in both "Grandma Ling" and "your little voice." Examine the ways in which each poem uses images to convey the emotions or attitudes of its speaker.
Okay, I already did the "Grandma Ling" part but I need help with "your little voice." by E.E. Cummings. Could I please get help, I don't understand EXACTLY what the poem or imagery is describing!
Thank you :)
11 answers
Please, help me. :(
The poem is a memory of a now deseased person who the author was once in love with. It speaks to long time emotions, and the feeling now. Think of the flowers as spring, freedom, new life.
Wait, so when he talks about the exquisite faces and hands floating by him does he mean he is like at a funeral? Or….
I'm sorry I am trying to read it and understand it.
I'm sorry I am trying to read it and understand it.
She's in his memory.
Oh! Like when he said her voice came 'leaping over the fence' and 'how crazy I cried when I heard over time'?
Yes. That's how he remembers her.
Oh…thank you so much for your help Ms. Sue and bobpursley.
You're welcome, Mariana.
Actually, the poems is talking about a long distance relationship, when it says "over the wires came leaping" it means a PHONE. he cries because he loves his female lover and misses her voice so much. the rest symbol joy
I bit this is all wrong 100%
i'm so confused...