Would you please check my questions and answers and let me know the ones I have
1. Family-focused early education of
exceptional children encourages:
A. families to be partners in
B. families to make all the decisions
about their chil's education.
C. children to be educated at home.
D. parent's to be their child's teacher.
2. Learning the words to greet a family
in their native language is an
example of:
A. bilingualism
B. family differences
C. cultual sensitivity
D. teacher differences
3. The most effective way for a
teacher to empower the family of
an exceptional child is to:
A. make unannounced home visits.
B. provide the family with information
on the child's disability.
C. limit recommendations for services
to the families.
D. tell them teachers will take care
of everything for them.
4. Which one of the following is NOT
a good way to communicate with
parents of young children about
their child's development?
A. Telephone calls at home
B. Informal notes sent home
C. A home-school journal
D. Report cards with letter grades
5. A test that asks if a child can
complete a five-piece form puzzle
in two minutes is a _________ test.
A. norm-referenced
B. criterion-references
C. timed
D. standardized
6. A test that would be the most
appropriate for identifying
problems in a young child from
a different culture would be:
A. given by someone familar with
the child's culture.
B. translated into English.
C. given only in English.
D. structured to exclude the child's
language skills from the testing.
Here are my answers to question:
#1. (A) families to be partners in
#2. (C) cultural sensitivity
#3. (B) provide the family with
information on the child's
#4. (D) Report cards with letter grades
#5. (B) criterion-referenced
#6. (A) given by someone familiar
with the child's culture.
Thank you very much!!
Excellent! All of these answers but one are correct.
Please look at # 5 again. A criterion-referenced test measures what a person has been taught.
My text states:
"For example, criterion-referenced test
items might ask: Can the child lace and tie his or her own shoes? Walk seven consecutive steps on a balance beam? Match five shapes and colors in one minute?
My text states:
"For example, criterion-referenced test
items might ask: Can the child lace and tie his or her own shoes? Walk seven consecutive steps on a balance beam? Match five shapes and colors in one minute?
(The question on my assignment was:
A test that asks if a child can complete a five-piece form puzzle
in two minutes.
Would that not be an example of a criterion-reference tests?
Thank you for clarifying this question. My source apparently doesn't apply to preschool testing.
Completing a five-piece jigsaw puzzle is definitely a criterion-referenced test. You're right. :-)
2 answers
A. understand the interactions that go on at home between the child and the family.
B. see if the child's family lives in an acceptable neighborhood.
C. compare the child's actions with those of brothers and sisters.
D. determine the income level of the child's family.