Would someone PLEASE check my answers..THANKS in advance!!!
1. Employee inventories and skills inventories are strategies for ________________________. (D)
job design
external recruiting
human resource planning
2. Which one of the following choices is not a step in the process of employee selection? (A)
Job design
Initial screening
Contact references
Final interview
3. Performance appraisal consists of assessing an employee’s performance and providing him/her with feedback. Which of these actions is not part of the performance evaluation process? (D)
Informal appraisals
Customer evaluations
Physical examination
4. Management training programs, mentoring programs, and coaching systems are examples of ___________________________________________________. (A)
company preparation and career development strategies
good union-management relationships
implementation of O.S.H.A. requirements
an employee’s assets and liabilities
5. The _____________________ requires employers to provide job-protected unpaid leave to an employee that is unable to perform his/her job due to a serious health condition. (C)
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1999
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
6. The Equal Opportunity Employment Commission (E.E.O.C.) was created by the _________________________. (B)
Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967
Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
7. Internal sourcing and external sourcing are part of the process of __________________. (D)
employee inventorying
employee selection
job design
8. Which of the following methods constitute examples of off-the-job training methods? (B)
Demonstration, simulation, and e-learning
Vestibule, simulation, and film and classroom
Simulation, demonstration, and vestibule
Sink and swim, e-learning, and apprenticeship
9. The O.S.H.A. agency does not regulate that employers _______________________________. (D)
provide protection from at-work hazards
notify supervisors of hazardous conditions
enforce the use of safety equipment
monitor poor health habits of employees
10. The recruitment of the best candidates and making new employees feel welcome and accepted are the main objectives of _______________________________________. (B)
the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Fair Labor Standards Act
selection and orientation processes
contacting references and prior employees
the physical exam and the “buddy” system