Would protesting wearing a uniform for school fall under free speech?
4 answers
This is up to your school and school district policy. You need to ask them, not us.
It is not for my school....it is for an assignment. Thank you!
under free speech...
Usually not. In schools for kids under 18, schools have a legal "loco Parentis" authority, and they can prescribe much in the behaviour of kids to enhance education, if it serves a reasonable end purpose. This often incudes hair styles and colors.
For private schools, and colleges, students have to agree to abide by clothing regulations when they register.
So free speech (and expression) usually do not apply.
Usually not. In schools for kids under 18, schools have a legal "loco Parentis" authority, and they can prescribe much in the behaviour of kids to enhance education, if it serves a reasonable end purpose. This often incudes hair styles and colors.
For private schools, and colleges, students have to agree to abide by clothing regulations when they register.
So free speech (and expression) usually do not apply.
Okay thank you!