Would (B) be the best answer for this question?

Young speakers of Castillian Spanish
and Cantonese Chinese may be especially
vulnerable to environmental influences
in the mainstream classroom because of

A. oral traditions
B. linguistic environments
C. cultural history
D. dialectal dominance

3 answers

I would choose C. Both Spanish and Chinese children have a very strong cultural ethic, particularly regarding the role of children in the home.
I am confused now-because I thought
the correct answer would be
(B)linguistic environments.

Let me share with you what my text states.

This is what my text states:

As a professional working with young children you will find that language
and communication skills are not only crucial to children's development but
also are vulnerable to environmental influences. More specifically, these
influences begin with cultral traditions
and the linguistic environment.
The linguistic environment includes the specific language and dialect spoken such as Castillian Spanish,Standard
American English,or Black English.
Cultural traditions determine how language is used. For example, many
Native Americans use language to
maintain an oral tradition of
storytelling. Some middle-class families
develop aggresive uses of language
(such as arguing)as a means of
establishing dominance and independence. These patterns and styles of communication are then transmitted to children by adults and older children. It is important that teachers of young children realize these influences come not only from children's
families and communities but also from
the childcare center and classroom.
Often,the linguistic and social
communication patterns experienced by middle-class children in middle-class
communities are similar across all
environments. In other words, the language and communication patternsused in children's homes are similar to the expectations and goals for language use in the classroom. There is a perfect match.

So, would the correct answer be:

(B)linguistic environments


(C) cultural history

please help me to understand!
It must be (C) cultural history. Here's my reasoning:

Your text states that the linguistic environment is the specific language spoken in the home. Cultural history is HOW that language is used.

Your question asks about just two groups (Castillian-speaking Spaniards and Cantonese-speaking Chinese). The only thing that distinguishes them from many other ESL (English as a second language) students, the key difference is the cultural history.