With respect to a PV module's I-V and P-V curves, and the module's operating point, consider the following statements:

a) When the operating point of the PV module is on the MPP (maximum power point), \(P_{mpp} \lt V_{oc} \times I_{sc} \)

b) For a given Irradiance and Temperature condition, and a uniformly illuminated (all solar cells receive the same illumination) module with perfectly functional solar cells, there is one and only one MPP defined for the PV module.

c) Assume that a simple fixed load of pure resistance R is connected directly to the PV module, and no MPPT device is connected to this setup. Under such a scenario, the operating point of the PV module will always coincide with the MPP, irrespetive of the illumination conditions.

d) The curvature of the I-V characteristics of a module around the region of MPP can be looked upon as a result of the non ideal resistances of the solar cells that make up the module.

Which of the above statements are true?

1. a) only
2. a), c) and d)
3. All of a), b), c) and d)
4. a), b) and d)
5. a) and b)

Consider the following statements related to the field of MPPT Techniques.

a) The PV output is never steady at the MPP.

b) Inclusion of a pilot solar cell can improve the PV module's yield.

c) The hardware complexity is high for implementing this design.

d) The output of the PV module is maximum only if load resistance = \(\frac{V_{mpp}}{I_{mpp}}\).

Consider the following conditions at the PV output

i) An MPPT device implementing Fractional Open Circuit Voltage method

ii) An MPPT device implementing Incremental Conductance method

iii) No MPPT device connected; solar module directly connected to the load.

iv) An MPPT device implementing Perturb and observe method

Which of the following matches the statements a) through d) with the right PV output conditions in i) through iv)

1. a)-iv), b)-i), c)-iii), d)-ii).
2. a)-i), b)-iv), c)-ii), d)-iii).
3. a)-iv), b)-ii), c)-i), d)-ii).
4. a)-iv), b)-i), c)-ii), d)-iii).

5 answers

Formula in first question: a)Pmpp < Voc X Isc
Formula in second question: Load resistance = Vmpp/Impp
sorry is not 1)a.
