With fractions do you always have to find a common denominator in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division?
For each of the above mathematical operations?
7 answers
only for add and subtract
So only for addition and subtraction you would find the common denominator? Not or multiplication or division?
What if you have 5/8 divided by 2/3?
I got 15/24 divided 16/24 and now I got stuck.
I got 15/24 divided 16/24 and now I got stuck.
Why did you change these fractions to fractions with a common denominator?
Study this site.
Study this site.
Okay that is easy.
So then my answer would be 15/16
5/8 divided by 2/3
5/8 x 3/2=15/16
So then my answer would be 15/16
5/8 divided by 2/3
5/8 x 3/2=15/16
Thank you Ms. Sue.
Yes, 15/16
You're welcome.
You're welcome.