People were attracted to Christianity because it promised them a better life in the Hereafter. (One prof called it "pie in the sky by and by." Many also liked the humility and love taught by the Christian missionaries.
The Romans persecuted Christians because they were different and wouldn't consider the emperors as gods. The Roman hierarchy was afraid that Christians could become politically powerful.
Why were the Christians persecuted by the Romans? At first I thought it was because they didn't believe in God. But then I had the question "to the Romans what was appealing about Christianity? What did they like about the teachings?"
Please help!! I am sooooo confused.... Thanks to any and all help. ☺♦☻
5 answers
Oh.... Thank you so so so, much Ms. Sue. ☺♦☻
You're very welcome, Running.
weeeeeeee i dont get anything!!!!!!!!!!
thanks for the help. I am putting it in my own words and now i finnaly learned something without confusion.