Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. ¡Cuidado! Careful, I think you mean José de San Martín, called "the saint of the sword." He was Argentinian and did for the south of South America what Simón Bolívar did for the north. Having won the independence of la Argentina, San Martín organized an army, with the help of Bernardo O'Higgins (Chilean) to win the independence of Chile. He beat the Spaniards in the battles of Chacabuco (1817) and Maipú (1818). Then O'Higgins was named the first president of Chile.
Later, San Martín undertook the liberation of el Perú. During that campaign both San Martín and Bolívar arranged an interview. After that meeting, San Martín left the command of his troops and withdrew from the independence movement. In 1824 Peru's liberty was assured by Antonio José de Sucre in 1824.
To sum this up, he was one of the great heroes of South America.
Why was Sam Martin considered a great liberator?
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