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grande mère (no hyphen) = a large mother!
grand-maman, grand-mère (with hyphen) = grand mother
Why? Because! Here are some other words to compare:
grand aunt = grand-tante
grand duchess = grande-duchesse (surprise!)
mémé = granny
why is it not la grande-mere but la grand-mere since it is feminine?
2 answers
why not grande-mère??good question
400 years ago, the feminine was grand'mère, grand'tante... the ' simbolized the feminine
in 1932, l'"académie française" changed the ' by -
so it became grand-mère, grand-tante
to the plurial there are two posibilities : grand-mères or grands-mères
400 years ago, the feminine was grand'mère, grand'tante... the ' simbolized the feminine
in 1932, l'"académie française" changed the ' by -
so it became grand-mère, grand-tante
to the plurial there are two posibilities : grand-mères or grands-mères