I don't like either question but here are my answers.
why is COCl2 polar
a. different electronegativitiesyes
b. nonsymmetric yes
c. tetrahedralno
d. symmetricno
e. trigonal planaryes, but that isn't why it's polar!
COCl2 is polar because there is an electronegative difference between C and the other bonding elements AND because it is not symmetrical.
more than one can be chosen
also wht is HCN polar
a. nonsymmetric
b. different electronegativities
c. trigonal planar
d. linear
e. bent
f. symmetric
HCN is polar for exactly the same two reasons; i.e., there is a difference between C and the other bonded atoms AND the molecule is not symmetrical. It happens to be linear but that isn't a reason for its polarity.
why is COCl2 polar
a. different electronegativities
b. nonsymmetric
c. tetrahedral
d. symmetric
e. trigonal planar
more than one can be chosen
also wht is HCN polar
a. nonsymmetric
b. different electronegativities
c. trigonal planar
d. linear
e. bent
f. symmetric
thanks i already tried but i got them wrong and i have one submission left to get them right
1 answer