Why does a sheep scratch himself

21 answers

Have you worn a wool sweater?
Why does a sheep scratch himself
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hrm Why does a sheep scratch himself is my question to but Have you worn a wool sweater?
does not fit
why does a sheep scratch himself?
why does a sheep scratch himself
Because He Had (Has) Fleece .
Why Does a sheep Scratch himself?
he has fleece
because he has fleece
because he has fleece.
I had that for homework :)
I have that as well I think it it because it has fleece
Because he has fleece only fit
I'm so legit confusesed yeah that is the answer but how?!
Its because he has fleece
Because fleece sounds like fleas
because he had some freakin fleece from his gramma
why does a sheep scratch himself
Because he has fleece
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