Why do teachers πŸ‘©β€πŸ« teach us many unimportant things! Like for example, in math.... dividing decimals or um 😐..... oh yeah....1 plus 1 . I mean no grownupwould solve that I mean it’s so unecsessary

4 answers

In order to get a rocket ship up into space...
all of your "number work" has to be exactly spot on...
Lives are at stake...
So... sometimes you don't see the big picture (Saving the planet, exploring space etc).
And we need good mathematicians to get those numbers right to ensure everyone is safe : )
Ms, Pi has a great explanation.

Do you know absolutely what you'll be doing in 10 or 20 years? I once had a small group of 7th grade boys in a career exploration class. Fifteen years later, one boy, the son of missionaries, was working as he thought he would -- a missionary in a foreign country. One boy who wanted to be a police officer was in jail for drug sales. I don't think any of the others were following their intended career either.

It's the school's responsibility to give you knowledge in many fields so that when you are older you'll be prepared to follow what ever your mature self wants.
... not to mention clear-headed thinking and acceptable writing skills for the adult world.

I hope you're paying attention to what Ms. Pi and Ms. Sue wrote. All young people need to be prepared for whatever life throws at them.
Without teachers we can't do anything