no of maths teachers:98/7=14
no of male maths teachers:14-8=6
no of male teachers:98-42=56
no male teachers who do not teach maths:56-6=50
Lincoln High School has 98 teachers. Of the 42 female teachers, 8 teach math. One seventh of all of the teachers teach math. What is the probability that a teacher is a man or does not teach math?
4 answers
Can you go into more depth. I have a slow processer. Can you link me to somewhere where i can solve this. Ms. Sue is gonna beat me if this work isn't done by tomorrow
if one of you go to gaca can you please help me with the imagine math benchmark.
42 of the 98 teachers are female and thus 98 − 42 = 56 98-42=56 98−42=56 of the 98 teachers are male.