why do rabbits keep turning thier ig,sound-collecting ears?
compare and contrast the information of an evaporite rock to one of detrital origin.
The change in loudness with the rotation can serve to locate the direction of the source of the sound.
I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.
First, if you have a question, it is much better to put it in as a separate post in <Post a New Question> rather than attaching it to a previous question, where is more likely to be overlooked.
Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "evaporite detrital rock " to get these possible sources:
(Broken Link Removed)
There are other sources, if you want to continue the search.
Use the <Find> command to search for your key words within the sources.
In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search.
I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.