Why do people live where they live in Complex Civilization period?
18 answers
Please define "Complex Civilization period."
Why do people live where they live in the complex civilization?
becuase they could be born there or maybe they have family there sometimes they are there because they have their job there
Idc everyone hate this message because im useless
I am not useless I can help with anything everyone like this message
Idk I just want the answer :(
Idk I just want to know the answer
the answer is how about you get some amonguses
they were there because if there families and it had the lower amount of migration
im hre for answer helpppppppppp mm,ememmeme
because they were born there or had family they have less migration
Everything here is useless
what is the smallest planet
THE CORRECT ANSWER IS "migration and settling", like come on ppl :/
so what is the answer?
anyways, merry christmas- december 10, 2021 7:13 pm
anyways, merry christmas- december 10, 2021 7:13 pm
THE ANSWER IS, born there or they have family there, its so simple just scroll up to see