Why do I deserve this scholarship? 250 words or less. Any advice on the paragraph itself or on grammar is greatly appreciated.
Throughout my life, I have faced multiple obstacles that I have not let hold me back. I am the first person in my family to not only go to college but also graduate high school. Every day I work extremely hard to have the best grades possible so that I am able to show my family that I can complete college and make something out of myself. I currently maintain a 3.8 GPA and work a full time job. I also have a family to take care of while working and going to school. Most college students are able to rely on their parents for help during college time. Unfortunately, I am not able to do this, when I was younger both of my parents passed away. Due to this unfortunate event, I feel that I am a stronger person and able to face hardships of life head on, so that they do not hold me back from achieving my goals. I plan to not only better my life with my college degree as well as my community. I currently volunteer at a free medical clinic every other weekend. Once I receive my degree I plan to keep doing this, only I will be able to help more than just answering phones. This scholarship would be able to take some of the financial stress of college off me.