Why did rogue states become more prominent following the Soviet Union’s collapse?

I know what a rogue state is but I don't know why it is involved with the Soviet Union and their collapse. I also know that it has something to do with the Cold War.
Can you help me???

3 answers

Start with the second paragraph and see what you think.

You need to decide (or maybe your text has done this for you) exactly which countries were considered "rogue states" after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

You might also find more information if you google your question.
For people in the future. Rogue states became more prominent following the collapse of the Soviet Union because the nations they supported like North Korea, Iran, and Iraq had lost their financial and power patron. Therefore causing the rise of rebel groups like the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and ISIS to take over the nation's government making the nation's behavior unpredictable.

I hope this helps.
Rouge states became more prominent following the Soviet Union's collapse. Rouge states are considered dangerous due to actions threatening other nations and perusing weapons of mass destruction. The possibility of loosing financial and power patron caused unpredictable behavior. When Soviet Union collapsed rebel groups rose. These rebel groups were the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and ISIS. These rebel groups threatened terrorism. The rouge states were Iraq, Libya, South Africa, South Yemen, Sudan, and Yugoslavia. A total of six. Now the rouge states are Afghanistan, Belarus, China, Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, North Korea, Syria, and Venezuela. A total of nine thus far. These "rouge states" are wanting power. The enemy list will continue to grow as nations seek more power and financial gain.