Why am I struggling in Writing?

2 answers

Well, writing isn't made for everyone. Everyone has their strengths and their weaknesses and writing just may be your weakness. But is there a specific area in writing you're struggling with?
I'm a tutor here. The best advice I can give you is that you can talk. If you can talk, you can write. You wrote a perfectly good sentence when you posted your question here. Start by just writing what you would say if you were speaking to someone, as if you were talking to your best friend or your mom. You can polish it later, in a second draft, to eliminate slang, etc., and touch up the grammar and spelling. Don't think of it as something so very different than just communicating your ideas when you talk with someone. It's not, except for the grammar and spelling errors we make every day in speech, but should not when we are writing. And, like I said, that can be "touched up" in a second (or third) draft.