Look at the first paragraph at this site:
(Broken Link Removed)
The only one that even maybe would fit would be C.
Are you sure they said proponents?
Who were the staunches proponents of prohibition?
A. Harding, coolidge, and hoover
B. organized crime figures
C. rural American and small town residents
D. Big city immigrants
E. labor leaders and unions..
i think its A or B
please help! and maybe a brief explanation.
3 answers
Organized crime didn't get into selling alcohol until after the Prohbition Amendment passed.
I vote for C. The main proponents of prohibition were women and churches. The three presidents weren't "the staunchest supporters."
I vote for C. The main proponents of prohibition were women and churches. The three presidents weren't "the staunchest supporters."
yeah they said staunchest propoenents