Who is the president of France? Chevalier or Chirac?

Un cadeau des Francais aux Americains: la Maison-Blanche ou la Statue de la liberte?

Une ville avec beaucoup de Francais: la nouvelle-Orleans ou st. Louis?

Un genie francais: M. Curie ou Albert Einstein?

Sorry about the accents, i don't know how to type accents.

4 answers

For the president of France, see this site.


Pour le cadeau --

Une ville avec beaucoup de Francais --

Un genie francais (une genie francaise)--http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein
For accents, if you're on a PC and use Windows, the table on this webpage can help:

For example, to type á, you hold down the Alt key while you type 0225 on the number pad (not on the numbers at the top of the keyboard).

If you have a Mac, please wait until SraJMcGin comes online. She'll be able to tell you.
Well, I see I have nothing to do except give you accents for a MAC:

Accents on the MAC:

é = option, letter "e" and then the letter you want that accent on

è = option plus ` and then the letter you want that accent on

ü = option and "u"

î = option and "i" twice

ç = option and "c"

Ç = option, shift and "c"

œ = option and "q"


€ = option, shift and "2"

See how much easier accent marks are on a MAC rather than PC which could have Windows, IBM compatible, Win. 95 or Win 3.1.

Just an aside: Although Marie Curie lived most of her life in France, she was Polish, and did not leave until she was 24. Her maiden name was Marie Sklodowska