To write the rate as a fraction in lowest terms, we divide the number of letters by the number of minutes. In this case, it's 32 letters for 6 minutes. The fraction would be:
32 letters / 6 minutes
To reduce this fraction to its lowest terms, we need to identify the greatest common divisor (GCD) of 32 and 6. The GCD of 32 and 6 is 2 since it's the largest number that divides both 32 and 6 without leaving a remainder.
Divide both the numerator and the denominator by the GCD:
(32 ÷ 2) letters / (6 ÷ 2) minutes
This simplifies to:
16 letters / 3 minutes
The fraction 16/3 represents the rate of 32 letters for 6 minutes in its lowest terms.
white the rate as a fraction in lowest terms 32 letters for 6 minutes
1 answer