Which was a final action leading to U.S. participation in World War I?
A. the bombing of Hawaii
B. the addition of Mexico to the Allies
C. unrestricted German attacks on submarines
D.requests for support from England and France
10 answers
I'll be glad to check your answer.
C is correct.
No, it is not. The Germans USED submarines to attack ships.
You're right, Reed. German submarines attacked American ships.
I wonder where this question comes from.
I wonder where this question comes from.
I dunno. But the final straw was when Germany enlisted Mexico as an ally. Attacks on American shipping had been going on for two years at least, but when Germany enlisted our neighbor, Wilson had no choice...
So... huh
What we're saying is that none of these answers is correct. Please ask your teacher for clarification.
Huh? The final action by Germany to force the United States' entry into World War I was to enlist Mexico a an ally to attack the U.S. here at home and distract us from involvement in the European war. "The last straw" = "final action."
It didn't work out for the Kaiser, but he tried.
I think the word "ally" in the question is misleading. Mexico was not OUR ally, but, briefly, an ally of Germany.