Why does your school not provide copies if you are assigned to read these pieces, or your parents if you are expected to buy your own materials? Both are under copyright, so not available in whole on line. The Sparknotes on the O'Brien piece should help.
Which wars did John Steinbeck's "Symptoms" and Tim O'Brien's "Ambush" discuss?
Does anyone know where I can find these essays so I can answer this question?
6 answers
Thank you Reed. I was out of school the last day before spring break for a track meet. We are not allowed to take our school books home. I have my assignments, just trying to make sure I am not behind.
My brother uses the same computer
Well, Steinbeck was discussing the Civil War. Read the essay before you respond to any questions about it, though - if you're not allowed to take your books home, I fail to understand that, but I guess you have to live with it.
httkuyfuyuhi my name i sng sabrina
hi jtr;y