Which three areas do you believe to be most prevalent, or which three areas have the greatest consequence in the workplace? Justify your answers. Chose from these.... Using e-mail to harass co-workers.

Using company services (including the Internet) for personal use.
Padding an expense account.
Calling in sick to take a day off.
Authorizing a subordinate to violate company rules.
Pilfering company materials and supplies.
Accepting gifts/favors in exchange for preferential treatment.
Giving gifts/favors in exchange for preferential treatment.
Taking longer than necessary to do a job.
Divulging confidential information.
Doing personal business on company time.
Concealing mistakes.
Passing blame for errors to an innocent co-worker.
Claiming credit for someone else’s work.
Falsifying time/quality/quantity reports.
Taking extra personal time (late arrivals, longer lunch hours and breaks, early departures).
Not reporting others’ violations of company policies and rules.
Copying copyrighted computer software.
Hiring a key employee from a competitor.
Dating someone who works for you.
Abusive or intimidating behavior toward other employees.

2 answers

I say the 1st 3 but I want opinions please and reasons for them too. thank you.
Wouldn't it depend on the type of business? lying, cheating, stealing are always high on my list. That includes falsifying reports, cheating on hours worked, including use of sick leave. But frankly, the biggest concern depends on the business. If you were a bank you might have different concerns that if you were selling hot dogs.

One wants to set up a business management system to prevent and monitor the biggest concerns, and then use lessor management techniques to handle the lesser offenses. Take dating for instance. Yes, it is messy, but it can be handled, but favoritism or nepotism is much greater concern, or even worse, office blackmail. Lying, cheating, stealing are high on my list.

Others will have their pet hates.