Which search engine would be best to use when you want to know if your library carries a particular journal?
A. Google Scholar
B. Worldcat
C. Webarchive
D. All the Web
my answer is a
2. Which of the following sets of Library of Congress call numbers is in the correct order?
A. PA 203.B252 1971,P201 1977,PE205.C253 1954,PH202.H255 1965
B. P201 .A251 1977, PE205.C253 1954,PH202.H255 1965,PA203.B252 1971
C. P201 .A251 1977, PA203.B252 1971,PE205.C253 1954,PH202.H255 1965
D. PE205.C253 1954,PH202.H255 1965,PA 203.B252 1971,P201.A251 1977
my answer is c
Which of the following sections of EDSeek is most helpful in providing keywords related your topic?
A. Browse Subjects
B. Browse Publications
C. Home
D. Help
my anser is a
Which of the following sets of Dewey Decimal call numbers is in the correct order?
A. 010.1 ABR,004.15 KWA, 100.01 PRO, 100.1BLU
B. 004.15 KWA, 010.1 ABR, 100.01 PRO, 100.1BLU
C. 100.1 BLU, 010.1 ABR, 004.15 KWA, 100.01 PRO
D. 100.01 PRO, 100.1 BLU, 010.1 ABR, 004.15 KWA
my answer is b