Which provides more cooling for a styrofoam cooler, one with 10 lbs of ice at 0 degrees C or one with 10 lbs of ice water at 0 degrees C. Explain.

qice=mass*heat of fusion.
qH2O=mass*specific heat x delta T

However, you aren't given a two temperatures; therefore, you can't actually calculate q. You must reason out the answer.
10 lbs ice will give the cooling power for the heat of fusion to melt the ice PLUS you will have 10 lbs water at 0 degrees C to cool.
For the 10 lbs water at 0 degrees C you have just the water to act as a coolant. Given this information, pick which you think will have the greatest cooling power.

1 answer

The 10 lbs of ice at 0 degrees C will provide more cooling for the styrofoam cooler because it will provide the cooling power for the heat of fusion to melt the ice PLUS you will have 10 lbs of water at 0 degrees C to cool.